Sunday 5 June 2011

How to change brake shoes?

If you don%26#039;t know, you better take it to the shop. It will be too late when you find out your car does not stop!|||Let me explain to you in a simple field manner.

If it is shoes in the rear...remove the hub and wash off with a hose spray nozzle and water first to get rid of the all the dust because some shoes contain asbestos.

Next thing you want to do is take your cell phone if you have a camera and take a picture of it so that you know where everything goes back when your done and for the springs I use a good pair of channel pliers and a screw driver and thats all you need for a fast do it yourself home brake job that doesn%26#039;t include turning the drums;However, if you want a class A job take the drums to a shop and have them turn them for about $8.00 a piece something like that.

Then disassemble the breaks and put the new ones on exactly the way the old ones came off.

Put your hub back and make the necessary adjustment.

What I normally do is turn the wheel until it is tight on the adjustment and then back off three turns.....YOUR DONE!! Do the other side the same way.|||you asked this twice,and we need to know what car or truck,because they are different on each vehicle.|||trick question huh? brakes dont have shoes they have PADS